Critical Severity


Path Traversal Due to Outdated Component

The chuanhuchatgpt application is vulnerable to a path traversal attack due to its use of an outdated gradio component, specifically affected by CVE-2023-51449. This vulnerability allows unauthorized access to sensitive files such as `config.json`. The issue was patched in the version released on 20240305.

Available publicly on May 16 2024





Remediation Steps
  • Update the gradio component to the version released on 20240305 or later.
  • Review and follow best practices for dependency management to ensure that all components are kept up-to-date.
  • Implement additional server-side validation to prevent path traversal attacks.
  • Regularly audit the application and its components for known vulnerabilities.
Patch Details
  • Fixed Version: 20240305
  • Patch Commit:
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